Expressing myself through visual, physical artworks has always been important to me. It helps me to work through my feelings and better understand my emotions. Studying the psychology behind my artworks is most important to me.

Someone once told me that making art is 'saying the unsayable.' For me, a big part of my art is blending the 'unsayable' with the 'sayable.' Ever since I was a child I have enjoyed writing in my free time and it has led me to do it for work as well.

Creative Direction
Many projects that I work on are larger than myself - I am unable to put these ideas together without amazing collaborators and teams. It is my passion to work with other creatives to bring these ideas to life for personal and client projects.

Darkroom Technician
I have always been intrigued with the study of light. There is something special about working in a dark room with light-sensitive materials to turn negatives into positives. With over 7 years of darkroom experience, I am currently experimenting working to create a new process to develop color negative film.